Occasionally, you may have a series of questions that
are used to calculate your quotas in which a respondent may qualify for more
than quota group. In this case, you want to assign the respondent to only one
quota group, and you want that quota group to be the one with the lowest
current count.
A new variable is available in
SurveyWriter that you can use to do so. The format is as follows:
for example: |QUOTA(F1)|
where |QUOTA| introduces
the quota ID from which to take the current count and (F1)
is the ID of the quota.
To use this function, you need
to insert it at the end of an INF filter as the variable that is used to
determine priority. The inline filters are used to set up priorities within
the sort question. In the example below, we do three things:
- Determine
the segment into which the respondent falls.
- Check whether that quota
group is still open.
- Set the priority if more
than quota group is available. Notice that we are taking the current count
for all the quotas that relate to this question. Also, the rank of this
sort question is Bottom 1. In case of a tie, SurveyWriter randomly takes
one of the lowest quotas available and assigns that as the quota to
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